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Samuel after diagnosis lost his vision completely. Blindness did deter him attempting or enjoying many sporting activities. There was always a degree of caution due to the additional concerns around the many neurosurgical operations and the need to try and protect his his head from any further Trauma. It was of high importance that Samuel be able to try different Activities and not “wrap him in cotton wool”. Adjustments could and would be made if necessary to make the Activities accessible to him.

Outside of school Samuel undertook a variety of activities. Sports included:

Tae Kwon Do

Link to TKD page


Samuel enjoyed swimming and adored water slides. He was only 4yrs old when he could swim 350m by listening to our voices and the occasional instruction so that he did not bang into the wall. He always loved his group swimming lessons. We remember a humorous incident in one lesson when after swimming half a length and sitting at the poolside Samuel tapped the person alongside as he often did to ascertain and ask who was beside him. The boy alongside asked why he tapped his leg and Samuel replied “because I can’t see” The boy who had been in the same swimming group for a year looked at Samuel and said “Your joking” Samuel then chuckled and said “No I’m blind”.   I’m not critical of the boy this is just a humorous example of how well Samuel got on with life. There were many occasions that people had no idea that he had no vision.

His love of water slides was undeterred by his lack of vision. I remember being at a Disney water park when Samuel appeared out of a slide called rudder judder pointing in the wrong direction. This is bad enough for a sighted person but as a blind person could be slightly disconcerting; however Samuel shook himself off and was ready for the next slide.

Horse riding

Samuel enjoyed horse riding for a period of time, remembered all the horse names and took part in the grooming. The Stables were brilliant and willing to support the needs of Samuel. He always managed to stay on the horse which was a huge relief.


Samuel would go running from home, ‘round the block’ whilst holding a short connecting leash with his sighted father. This was done whilst receiving verbal commentary from his father about kerbs and potential bumps along the route.


He would ride on his Tag-a-long bike but he never cheated, he always peddled and worked hard rather than sit and take the easy option. Samuel never took the easy option in anything he did.

Actionnaires (Multiple sports and activities)

Samuel was involved with many wonderful charities’ one of which was Actionnaires the children’s activity wing of Action for the Blind. 

Action for the Blind have since (2017) been absorbed into the RNIB. 

The group would meet weekly for visually impaired children and their siblings to participate in different sporting activities. We remember the sheer joy in Samuels’ voice when he touched the top of the climbing wall, his excitement, and laughter playing a variety of other games in the hall. He enjoyed the group and would remind us and laugh how Danny one of the coordinators always referred to Samuel as “a legend” How right he was!

Other activities included Football and Cricket adapted for theVisually impaired.

Soft Play Areas

Samuel loved soft play areas and if he went round once with a provided commentary he had an uncanny ability to mentally map the play area and could manoeuvre round surprisingly quickly with many parents and children never realising he was visually impaired.  This would raise amusing meetings in tunnels with other children where sometimes Samuel had to have the conversation with them (like the swimming example) telling them he was ‘blind’ to negotiate a manoeuvre on through the tunnel.

Ch7. Sporting Activity: About
Ch7. Sporting Activity: Features

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